Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a joyful New Year.
My New Year didn't get off to the best of starts. It was actually rather terrifying.
I left at 1:30 am after a night out with some friends (and bumping into James from Geordie Shore numerous times). I was relatively sober and, as I didn't want to pay the £7 taxi fare for a 5 minute walk, I stopped to change from my high heels to my fold up flats. As I was changing my shoes, a guy in a people carrier type car pulled up just in front of me on the street and opened his car window. At 1:30 am on New Years Eve, I thought this was weird so I decided to ring my boyfriend because, well, I was scared. As I walked past the car, talking on my phone, nothing was said to me. A metre down the street, the car drove past me.
Now, is it me or is that not massively creepy? My boyfriend, his family and my family all found this really scary and kept asking me if I'd got the plate. I didn't, I was too focused on getting past the car and not being kidnapped.
So yea, not the best start to my year.
On the bright side, I found out I won the final door on the AX Paris Advent Calender competition so I won a Zoeva make up brush set worth £165! SO EXCITING!
Anyway, I decided to share my 10 New Years Resolution. I'm determined to stick to these resolutions this year.
1) The classic. Lose weight: I am actually completely obsessed with my weight, it's a major factor of my depression as I have very low self esteem. I am aiming to get down to a size 8/ 8 stone. I'm currently hovering around a size 12.
Current body envy. The gorgeous Jennifer Lawrence.
2) Improve my diet: I suffer really badly from horrific breakouts and and I'm so bad at getting my five a day. I need to change because 'you are what you eat' after all. I always feel so sluggish when I eat crappy junk food. It's horrid. This will be happening after my birthday on 13th January because I want to enjoy my birthday cake.
3) Be kinder: I am a bitch. When I decide I dislike someone then everything they do winds me up. I'm so bad at just being blunt with people I dislike. I feel like I've had a lot of bad things happen to me recently so if I become a nicer person then maybe, my luck will change. Plus, no one wants to constantly be known as 'the bitch'.
4) Forgive: Again, I'm terrible at holding grudges against people for things they did years ago. There are certain people that I will never be able to forgive no matter what but other people I just don't forgive because I'm too stubborn.
5) Stop buying shoes: I'm addicted! I have so many shoes and I only wear a couple of them. I just like to look at them if I'm honest. They're so pretty but I'm too scared to wear some as they're expensive and I'm so clumsy. I have been known to get the ends of my trousers stuck on the corners of radiators at work. Apparently, it's funny to see happen.
6) Organise my room: Seriously, I can't even begin to tell you how bad my room looks. Bomb site is an understatement. I like things to be in a certain place but I don't have the time or energy. This year, I plan on using some of the energy I use playing the Sims and direct it to cleaning. How fun.
7) Save some money: I haven't been on holiday in almost 5 years. 5 YEARS! I would love a break this year but I'm also saving for a 'rainy day'/house. I'm nearly 20 and I'd love to go on holiday with my boyfriend before next year. However, with both of us being students, we can't afford anywhere really fancy. I'd love to go to Centre Parcs again. So beautiful. If you've never looked into it, it's a little pricey but it's so worth it. Give it a browse.
8) Clean my make up brushes ever week: I'm awful at this. I do it once a month at a push. It's probably why I have such bad breakouts. I'm going to invest in a Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove for a good, deep clean. I've seen nothing but good reviews about this, it's obviously well worth the money so why not? I wear make up everyday so my brushes deserve a good cleaning ever so often.
9) Visit my family more: I have a very large family and since my parents split up, it's very difficult to see everyone. I've decided that I need to put aside some time each month to get around and see various members of my family. My grandma is getting old and has dementia so I'd like to take the time I have to visit her.
10) Experiment with my look: I have the same looks for every occasion. Cat eyes for daytime, smoky black and grey for night time. I'm not adventurous at all with my look because of how fair I am. This year, I'm going to branch out and change my look bit by bit. I'm also doing to master how to apply my foundation like a pro. At the minute, mine seems to cake even if I use primer :( sad face times.
What are your New Years resolution? And how long do you think it'll take before you give up?
P.S. This lovely picture is what my cat decided to do with an empty box after Christmas. Sup demon cat.